Monday, January 13, 2014

New Minimum Wage Rate starting 1st of January 2014

COMPENSATION  <<< click this to see the WAGE ORDER 18

Regular compensation - normal working hours (8 hours a day)


New Basic Wage                                                                -     PHP 436.00
COLA Integration  Effective 01 January 2014                    -     PHP 15.00
BASIC Wage After Integration                                            -     PHP 451.00
COLA                                                                                  -     PHP 15.00
New Minimum Wage Rates Effective 01 January 2014      -     PHP 466.00

RETAIL/SERVICE Establishments employing 15 workers or less

New Basic Wage                                                                -     PHP 399.00
COLA Integration  Effective 01 January 2014                    -     PHP 15.00
BASIC Wage After Integration                                            -     PHP 414.00
COLA                                                                                  -     PHP 15.00
New Minimum Wage Rates Effective 01 January 2014      -     PHP 429.00
Businesses Exempt from Min.Wage Laws

If your company is a service establishment with not more than 10 employees, a distressed establishment with a deficit of 20% or more of current paid-up capital, or a new business enterprises outside the National Capital Region (NCR) or is in an export processing zones, you may pay your employees below minimum wage rates on condition that you file a request for exemption from compliance with wage orders with the National Wage and Productivity Council (NWPC). 
Computation of Wages

Monthly-paid employees: Are those whom you pay every day of the month, including unworked rest days, special days and regular holidays.

The formula for the EMR of monthly paid employees is:

                   EMR = (Applicable Daily Rate x 365)/12 

The factor of 365 days consists of: 302 ordinary working days, 51 rest days, 10 regular holidays, and 2 special days.  

Daily-paid employees: Are those whom you pay for days actually worked and on unworked regular holidays.

The EMR of daily-paid employees depends on whether they are required to work on rest days and holidays. 

The EMR of employees who are required to work every day including Sundays or rest days, special days and regular holidays is:

                     EMR = (Applicable Daily Rate x 391.50)/12

The factor of 391.5 days consists of: 302 ordinary working days, 20.60 (9 regular holidays x 200% plus one regular holiday/Sunday*260%), 66.3 (51 rest days x 130%), 2.6 (2 special days x 130%).

The EMR of daily-paid employees depends on whether they are required to work on rest days and holidays. 

The EMR of employees who do not work and are not considered paid on Sundays or rest days is:

                      EMR = (Applicable Daily Rate x 314)/12

The factor of 314 days consists of: 302 ordinary working days, 10 regular holidays, 2 special days (if actually worked, equivalent to 2.6 days). 

The EMR of daily-paid employees depends on whether they are required to work on rest days and holidays. 

The EMR of employees who do not work and are not considered paid on Saturdays and Sundays or rest days

                       EMR = (Applicable Daily Rate x 262)/12

The factor of 262 days consists of: 250 ordinary working days, 10 regular holidays, 2 special days (if actually worked, equivalent to 2.6 days). Factor of 260 maybe used if the 2 special days are not worked and are not considered paid. 

Apprentices, Learners and Handicapped Workers 

If you have apprentices, learners or handicapped workers, you need to pay them no less than seventy five percent (75%) of the applicable statutory wage rates. Apprentices and learners are those who are covered by apprenticeship/learnership agreements duly approved by the DOLE. 

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